Difference Between Exempt and Non-Exempt Cookies

different cookies reducido

While navigating the web, cookies have become a crucial component.

Did you know that not all of them operate in the same manner or require the same kind of consent? Cookies on the web are divided into two main categories: exempt cookies and non-exempt cookies.

Exempt Cookies

These cookies do not require prior approval from the user to be utilized. They are essential for the site’s operation. For example, cookies used in the shopping cart, session cookies, etc.

For a cookie to be exempt from the requirement of informed consent, its expiration must be related to its purpose. They must also provide a service expressly requested by the user.

Non-Exempt Cookies

On the other hand, non-exempt cookies require express and prior consent to be used.

The consent for these cookies must be clear, explicit, and direct via the consent platform used by the publisher. The user should have the ability to easily accept or reject them.

These cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • Storing information on a device or accessing it
  • Using data for advertising purposes
  • Creating profiles to select personalized advertising
  • Creating and using profiles to personalize content
  • Measuring the performance of advertising and content
  • Conducting statistical reports and market studies
  • Developing and improving services

This consent must be stored so that the responsible party can demonstrate that they obtained such consent from the interested party in accordance with regulations.

In an increasingly complex digital world, exempt and non-exempt cookies mark a fundamental difference in how user information is collected and used. Clear and explicit consent is key to ensuring that our preferences and privacy are protected.

Transparency towards the user is crucial for building trust and complying with current legislation.